Kulturarbetare förena er!
Cultural workers unite!

Next meeting:
TBA: October, 2024
Lodgatan, 3B
Frihamnen, Malmö

Previous meetups

September 2 at STPLN
June 10th at Karavan
March 25th at Krakel

AboutAre you an artist, designer, architect, musician, writer, dancer, performer, illustrator, photographer, animator, craftsperson, curator, museum guide or some other kind of cultural, arts or creative worker?Employed, self-employed or freelance?Join us in our effort to organize cultural workers across different fields and circumstances in Malmö!

Most of us feel the political, financial and technological difficulties of our times. Funding for arts and culture are slashed, cultural policies serving only commercial interests, our cities are rapidly gentrifying and AI is creeping closer to automating us out of our livelihoods. Simultaneously we’re overwhelmed by the realities of climate and ecological crisis, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, growing militarism and the inequalities inherent in capitalist society everywhere.But artists have always dreamed of another world. A socially, economically and ecologically just society, where art no longer is an exchangeable commodity and luxury for the few, but a joy for the many. So let's get together to think and discuss how we can organize ourselves as cultural workers and how we can use our skills in support of existing progressive movements and organizations. It could be workshops, political actions, social gatherings, study circles, unionizing, community organizing and much more.Bring your colleagues! No prior experiences needed, we’ll learn together and from each other.

Who are we?

These meetups are organized by a small group of cultural workers who want to create opportunities for leftist colleagues in the culture, arts and creative fields of Malmö to get together in solidarity and organizing.